Photos - 2008 - Australia Trip

I took a trip to London on the train, spent a few days working, hung out with Crystal Goh, a friend of a friend from Singapore and then went back to Australia for 3.5 weeks in Perth to do as little as possible in the nice weather.

Getting to London/Taking the train to London
Sky Osterley/Sky's offices in Osterley where I worked for a few days
London/London tourist attractions
Bike/My new Obrea Arama bike in Perth
Friends/Friends I caught up with
Perth/Photos from Perth
Tessa Birthday/Tessa's Birthday Party
Humphry Street/Humphry Street
Red Bull Air Race/The Red Bull Air Race
Billys Day Care for Dogs/Photos from Billy's Day Care for Dogs
Castledare Railway/Castledare Miniature Railway and Robert Lewis' birthday party.